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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  August 7, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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patchy low clouds and fog for parts of the bay area. accident now on northbound 101 at story road with a car fire. we're watching weather and traffic for you on this thursday morning. let's look live outside, beautiful golden gate bridge this morning. it's thursday, august 7th, this is "today in the bay." from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." well good morning everyone, thank you for joining us, i'm scott mcgrew. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. happening now, one-two punch as two hurricanes churn towards hawaii. but it's unclear if either storm will be a knockout. take a look at the radar this morning. hurricane iselle is supposed to hit the big island tonight. hurricane julio, not far behind. and we just learned, julio has strengthened into a category two storm. this will be the first direct hurricane hit in hawaii in 22 years. and we have team coverage. meteorologist rob mayeda tracking the hurricane in the weather center, but let's begin
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with bob redell. he joins us live at sfo. bob, already one flight cancellation this morning. >> reporter: correct, laura. and you have to wonder if the strengthening of julio would lead to more cancellations right now it's just the 9:05, the 9:05 to honolulu is canceled. four other flights, one that's leaving as i speak that are leaving this morning. they're all on time. same with the arrivals, coming from the aloha state on time, if not ahead of schedule. we just spoke with a guy who was leaving from guam, had a layover in honolulu on his way to sfo. this is what he witnessed when he was in the airport in the aloha state. >> a lot of lines. a lot of people at the airport taking earlier flights to beat the storm. they're happy to start their vacations earlier. >> to get out of here?
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>> yeah. well they were going to vegas. >> reporter: i guess anyone going to vegas is always going on vacation. you never hear about people leaving hawaii to go on vacation. in this instance, when you have two headed to the islands, you can imagine why. there are fliekts scheduled to -- flights scheduled to leave tlart morning. talking about a total of three flights and they're also on time as well. again, one cancellation that we know of, and it's a 9:05 leaving sfo on united to honolulu. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> hurricane iselle supposed to hit the big island tonight. experts say the big island-sized rain, volcanos will help actually break up the hurricane. should be downgraded today and tomorrow. people throughout the islands though stocking up on essentials. bottles water, many are running out, the governor issued a state
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of emergency. that'll help free up funds. now meteorologist rob mie yay da tracking -- mayeda tracking the hurricanes for us. >> by the end of day we'll be making land fall still as a category one hurricane in the hawaiian islands. here's the latest of the storm. winds sustained at 85 miles an hour. and path across the east coast of the big hurricanes. close to 75 miles per hour, then stimmaintaining tropical storm forced strength as it passes to the south of maui and hawaii as that storm continues to move on. but we could see rain totals about five to iegt inches of rain with wind damage and possibly on the winward side of the big island, maybe more than a foot of rain and some of the hilltop locations as all that tropical moisture is forced upward rapidly. we get tremendous amounts of rainfall. julio is a category two. here's the important point, right now the models continue to trend this storm away from the hawaiian islands.
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this will be by saturday evening our time. you'll see that that storm will come close, bring rain, but the main effects should be turning north and away from the islands iselle over the next 24 hours will be the main threat to hawaii where we'll see cancellations and the possibility of power outages on the big island as they're one of two storms makes an impact in the next 24 hours, back to you. >> thanks so much, rob. in the men time, in just a few hours, we're going to hear new details about the high profile corruption case against suspended state senator leland ye. "today in the bay's" stephanie chuang joins us at the federal courthouse in san francisco. steph, he is a pretty standard hearing, but it's important because it involves so many defendants. >> reporter: that's right, good morning to you scott. we heard of leland ye and raymond shrimp boy chow, but there are 27 other co-defendants in the case. the judge will encourage
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defendants to settle their cases. we are talking about the smaller items, not the case of suspended say the senator leland ye who is accused of trying to get bribes in exchange for political votes. he was trying to get money after his failed bid for san francisco mayor. he was in court last week when he was slapped with a new charge of racketeering. inside the courtroom, lawyers speaking for him pleading not guilty to racketeering as well as corruption and fraud. outside as he tried to get away from journalists, ye said only this. >> i need to talk to my attorney. >> reporter: and the latest additional charge of racketeering could prompt the co-defendants to talk in exchange for plea deals. one conviction carrying up top 20 years behind bars and quarter million dollar fine. former school board president and alleged mob boss raymond shrimp boy chow were formerly
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charged last week. they're accused of everything from a murder for high plot to the shipment of stolen goods. the judge can also conclude all pretrial activities and items, review evidence as well as set tentative trial dates. we will be here at 10:00 this morning. live in san francisco, stephanie chuang, "today in the bay." >> stephanie, thank you. today a group of bay area faith leaders and a children's choir will hold a prayer service urging the president to help undocumented children at the border. san francisco's glad memorial church at the coalition for immigrant rights will both take part. it comes after thousands of undocumented women and children came to the u.s. fleeing violence in central america. today's prayer service starts at 4:00 at the federal building in downtown san francisco. the city of san francisco will consider new rules on short term learnals -- rentals. the planning commission expected to look at an ordnance to change
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the city's administrative code making it legal for permanent residents of the city to rent out their homes under certain conditions. it is in response to sites like air b and b. it would put into place procedures for the short term rentals. opponents of the air b and b rental idea say some landlords are evicting long-term residents to make more none on short term rentals. now to a follow up. looking live at at&t park this morning, you can see the stage still coming down after the jay-z, beyonce concert. last night, not as loud ooze the couple's -- as the couple's first show on tuesday night where the couple could be heard from miles away. >> you can't of got a show without the ticket. complaints came in from across the city. ball park rep apologized after tuesday's show to people living
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nearby. nbc bay area meteorologist jeff says the sound waves from the singers 40,000 fans may have carried upward and bounced back down off a layer of clouds. rob told us too. >> there was a point where i'm thinking i don't know how loud you turn this tv up just to drown out the concert. the walls were vibrating, it was unbelievably loud. >> the layer of clouds much thicker tuesday night than last night and could account for the extra volume. >> it's nice to hear jeff backing up rob on that, rob was talking about this morning, just you don't think of clouds as being able to block sound, but you can. >> warm air above, that'll help that out. and further in, you got it again this morning, good news but the concert isn't going right now, it'd be loud. 60s across the board right now. mostly cloudy skies. that is the fog we're seeing, and that'll be our weather story today for the coast. lots of low clouds.
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high country today, watch out for sierra thundershowers. that's where the monsoon moisture is around the crest of the sierra off to the east for now, but that could change as we go through the weekend. high pressure for now takes that marine layer, kind of squishes it down. it's going to lead to valley temperatures climbing up over the next couple of days. as the high weakens just a little bit, there's an area of low pressure approaches the coast on sunday. that could pull more monsoon moisture away from the sierra and perhaps closer to the bay area come monday. short term temperatures climbing up for the valleys, but stay tuned, it just doesn't seem like we can shake the humidity completely out of the forecast. might notice the changes come dmex monday for the bay area. today highs in the 80s around san jose. low 90s around saratoga, morgan hill, 60s and low 70s around san francisco into the north bay we'll have highs in the upper 80s around san rafael and 90s in the forecast for pleasanton over towards livermore for the afternoon. temperatures starting to warm on up around the tri-valley. checking your morning commute now, southbound 880 at 92, crash
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there. southbound which is causing issues and also around the south bay you've been watching this. this is a crash northbound 101 just before the rock. watching this also on the traffic camera network there. moved over to the side of the road, car fire, that has been put out. that could cause delays as folks passing by, look at that on the shoulder there. northbound 101 just before allen rock, slowing there this morning. meantime, another travel alternative for you, of course is mass transit, bart, muni, cal train, and v ta still running on -- vta still running on schedule. 6:10, still ahead "today in the bay," is edward snowden allowed to stay in russia? decision coming up. prosecutors are trying to sway the judge in the oscar pistorius murder trial. and a serious legal battle all because of a liltd monkeying around. why the fight over the selfie is getting so heated. we're taking a live look right now at honolulu. yeah, make the calm before the
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storm. hawaii bracing for a pair of very strong storms headed their way. hurricane iselle expected in the big island tonight. hurricane julio not far behind, we're tracking that.
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you're watching "today in the bay." hey good morning, bit of a foggy start around san francisco. 60 degrees right now and also watching your morning commute, we are seeing some issues on northbound 101 just before allen rock. former car fire which has been moved over to the side of the road. weather and traffic with an update coming up in just a couple minutes. here are today's top stories this morning.
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we could find out why suspended state senator leland ye will head to trial. lawyers for ye along with china town gangster raymond shrimp boy chow and former school board president keith jackson will be in court for a status conference today. right now hawaii bracing for a pair of strong storms. hurricane iselle is expected to hit the big island tonight with hurricane julio not far behind. one flight is canceled this morning. middle east, three day cease-fire will expire tonight. so far no agreement between israel and hamas. hamas spokesperson says if israel is making an effort to reach a truce, hamas will not fire rockets once the cease-fire is expired. new this morning, russia granted nsa leaker edward snowden three more years of asylum. snowden's lawyer made that announcement just three hours ago. snowden was granted asigh laum for one year last year, but it ran out last week. the former nsa agent was stranded in a moscow airport
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last year while trying to get to cuba shortly after he revealed the agency's phone tapping program. in may, snowden told nbc he misses america and wants to come home. but he doesn't think he would receive a fair trial. in the men time, russia has just released a list of agricultural products that it plans to ban from the united states. the european union and other countries. as of today, russia will no longer impact meat, fish, milk, fruits, and vegetables. it's retaliation against the u.s. and other countries that imposed sanctions for its intervention in ukraine. the sanctions are putting a strain on the russian economy. closing arguments are understoodway in the murder trial of famed runner oscar pistorius. he's accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend in his home in south africa. derek shore joins us now with a prosecutor's fight to lock him up, we're getting close here, derek. >> reporter: that's right, the olympian runner seen as an inspiration of millions is in
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the final lap of a trial that could put him away for life. 25 years to life in prison if convicted in the murder of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp for two days, both sides will summarize their versions of the shooting to a judge who will determine the runner's fate. pistorius intentionally shot steenkamp on valentine's day last year. the double amputee mistook his girlfriend for an intruder. state prosecutors say the defense has contradicted itself saying they argued pistorius feared for his life but also flinched pulling the trigger. that amounts to two defenses. >> i've argued that in many cases. this is the first instance where in fact in the head argument the defense says just that. we have two defenses. we want to court to pick one. >> pistorius's side will of course have their chance to counter the argument to the judge who will make the final decision and that she has that final decision because juries do not exist as part of trials
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there. prosecutors have called the athlete an appalling witness who lied multiple times on the stand. in the newsroom, derek shore, "today in the bay." >> derek, thank you. at 6:16, the time square tour bus driver who crashed into another bus has tested negative for drugs or alcohol. initial reports indicated the driver failed a field sobriety test right after tuesday's crash, but there was no other evidence he had been drinking. the crash knocked down a stoplight in time square, injured 14 people. the district attorney's office says it's still waiting for the results of a full toxicology report. it's 6:17 and time to check your forecast as we give you a live look at san francisco if you're a visitor to our fair city, this is what it looks like, grab a jacket. >> and a cup of coffee and enjoy it. >> not a trip to experience. the fog too. gives it the character of san francisco. we have misty skies underneath the low clouds for you this
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morning. and our temperatures in the low 60s to get your thursday started here. 60 in san francisco, 63 around san jose, north bay cooler, upper 50s with partly cloudy skies. the difference though this morning, is that these low clouds are not the type of clouds that brought us the rain like we had yesterday. other than the mist on the coast. that's what we've come to expect this time of year. and you'll see here that the satellite and radar view shows you the system that brought yesterday. some monsoon moisture will linger around the crest of the sierra today that could kick off afternoon thundershowers. the bay area, hugging the coastline. clearing around santa cruz. to want enjoy sunshine, the drive will be good today. highs near 80 there, but 60s closer to pacifica and half-moon bay through the afternoon. what we'll also see short term for the tri-valley in the inland valley locations is high pressure strengthening, taking the low clouds, squishing them down closer to the sea. and that's going to allow
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temperatures to climb up next couple of days. next week, another chance of monsoon moisture coming up out of the south. you'll see the changes there leading to cooler temperatures and maybe more showers by next monday. short term though, not going to have to worry about monsoon moisture today. mid-80s around san jose. 90s further south around saratoga. low 70s around san francisco for the afternoon and around the north bay, mid to upper 80s. tri-valley warming up with the temperatures climbing into the low 90s today and they should probably stay in the low 90s, at least as we start this upcoming weekend. we'll see the temperatures near 90 and then cooling on sunday. we'll see a few extra clouds late in the day there for the end of your weekend and cooling off more come monday as we watch maybe another chance of more monsoon moisture. watching your morning commute issues here. southbound 880 at 92. you have an accident here, slowing, both on 880 south of the accident as we move down towards the south and also another incident still ongoing, still slowing after earlier car
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fire here was cleared off to the side. this is northbound 101 just before al listen rock and street level view showing you the emergency vehicles over to the side. that was an earlier car fire northbound 101 just before allen rock. another view for you around 80. you can see the volume starting to pick up for you this morning and once again, bay bridge toll plaza approach has the metering lights turned on. low clouds move, maybe mist for your morning commute. mass transit, still on time. bart, muni, vta still looking good, back to you. have you ever said monkey selfie on the news? i'm about to. >> you just did. >> it's igniting a legal debate. >> yay, here's a look at the monkey selfie, stole a photographer's camera in indonesia. the picture made its way to a wikipedia page back in 2011. the photographer has been fighting ever sincen to get that photo taken down, but wikipedia
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argues because an animal took the picture, the photo does not belong to the photographer and so it belongs in the public domain. >> yeah, selfie copy right issues are new to the legal scene. for example, who owns this copy right, this is the famous selfie taken at the oscars? is it ellen degeneres or bradley cooper because he actually took the picture, it's a selfie. there he is. or was it samsung who made the camera or maybe the academy can make the claim. the most part though, the law does tend to side with the person that takes the picture, not the camera's owner, that's bradley cooper's picture. >> the next one i post of us when we go baa to break, but you'll be in it. 6:21, ahead on "today in the bay," we're going to tell you how a drone crashed into a national landmark. plus of hundreds people forced to their homes as flames go to oregon. how the firefighters are working around the clock to save those houses. let's take a live look outside, oh, can you make it out? that's in the east bay.
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it's in oakland this morning. little haze starting our day. wind will warm upcoming, we'll check in with rob, he's in for christina, i have to go take a selfie now.
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sure... hey canyou bet! this? that's our new interactive speaker wall.
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'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d-printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and get a free portable power charger with a $15 purchase. you're watching "today in the bay." you're watching "today in the bay," we are watching the skies this morning. taking a live look outside along the embarcadero in san francisco. wouldn't be the city by the bay without a little cloudy sky, fog
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to start the morning, we'll check in with rob with a forecast, 6:24. happening now, hundreds of people scrambling to safety as a wild fire burning your town in northern oregon. right now winds fueling the fire six miles. no homes have burned, and firefighters are working through the night to make sure that doesn't happen. selling water to people living outside city limits. the move comes as a way to share the excess water to others. according to the santa cruz sental. it would be used for irrigation and construction. money from water sales would go into the city's general found. today a rare alibino redwoo tree is going to be moved. the mutant coast redwood, will be dug up and replanted. the tree was blocking construction paths for a new railway, it's too close for passing trains. transportation officials wanted to cut it down, but residents
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not happy about that idea. so after months of campaigning, the transportation agency decided to move it. some arborists say it's the tallest in the whole world. it is 6:25, yellow stone national park says a tourist crashed a drone into its largest hot spring. national park service says the tourist was trying to take pictures this week when the drone crashed into the grand spring. the park is not sure thousand find the drone since the spring is more than 121 feet deep and the park is not sure thousand get it out without damaging the hot spring. the national park service banned drones back in june. >> i can see this becoming like selfies and everything else. >> new restrictions and regulations. >> probably. 6:26, still ahead, live with a look at business and tech nudes. markets are opening up on wall street. >> hopefully heading up. experimental test gets the go ahead by the fda. why only some select people will
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have access to it. it's sunny here, but not in honolulu just yet as they wake up they are bracing for not one, but two hurricanes. we have rob mayeda and team coverage coming up as "today in the bay" continues.
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an experimental ebola test fast tracked by the fda, but a vaccine still years away. we'll explain, next. low clouds and fog around the bay area including in san francisco plus slowing on northbound 101 approaching allen rock due to a car fire moved to the side of the road. watching weather and traffic for you on this thursday morning. and live look out at the
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opening bell this morning. there's the nyse and the bell and over on the nasdaq, chinese company ringing the buzzer. eight second away now for i dream sky, and the beginning of the nasdaq, lots of folks. that's the biggest we've seen in quite some time. it's actually surprisingly small room. today is thursday, august 7th, and this is "today in the bay." from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." and a very good thursday morning to you, i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm scott mcgrew. new this morning, verdict three and a half decades in the making. two top layers of cambodia sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. the regime's reign of terror left close to two million people. cities were emptied, people were forced to work in fields in rural co-ops. the victims died of starvation or executed as enemies of the
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state. the two convicted men are the only surviving leaders of the regime left to stand trial. lawyers for both men say they will appeal that ruling. 6:30, happening today, congress will get an update on the ebola outbreak that is spreading through west africa. and now the cdc is raising its alert level. "today in the bay's" tracy potts joins us live in washington, d.c. this morning with the very latest details, good morning, tra tracy. >> reporter: hey laura, remember bird flu, that was the last time that they raised the alert level to one, although u.s. health officials continue to say there's a very, very low risk, little chance that we're going to see a deadly outbreak here. lawmakers, they want to know why. could ebola impact the u.s.? today lawmakers hear from the cdc, state department, and others including samaritan's purse, the relief organization who's two american ebola patients are being given an experimental treatment.
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>> i think we have to let the science guide us and you know i don't think all the information's in on whether this drug is helpful. >> reporter: wednesday the cdc upped its alert to level one, signaling a serious health emergency that could last a while. as flu season begins, the cdc's pulling people off that, sending 50 more to africa in the next month. with concern growing here, experts are clarifying what ebola can and cannot do. >> if you're just sitting in the room with someone and you're talking to them or you accidentally are walking down the street past one, it's not contagious. >> reporter: but contact with bodily fluids is highly contagious. that's why we're seeing extraordinary attempts to isolate patients. >> and come into an emergency room and say i have a fever, i have diarrhea. the first thing you ask is what is your travel history and say i've been to a west african country, then immediately you would isolate them and protect the people who are taking care of them. >> reporter: that's why experts
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think an outbreak here is possible, but highly unlikely. but even with screening in africa, screening as people get off planes here in the united states, there is still concern that this virus could spread. europe now has its first confirmed case. laura. >> all right, certainly one to watch. thanks so much, tracy. live from washington. speaking of screening, fda is giving the go ahead for an ebola virus test. it's a test tube diagnostic test, a quick one developed by the military. the fda cleared that test for use abroad in special emergency situations involving the u.s. military and aid workers. this test designed for people who have symptoms of ebola and for people who are at risk of exposure. the agency says efforts to develop a vaccine will probably take, until at least 2015. 6:33 right now, time to check the forecast as we give you a live look outside, foggy bay bridge morning. let's check that forecast now
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with meteorologist rob mayeda. >> forecast this morning includes a lot of low clouds, misty skies for parts of san francisco and the coast and we'll see spread of temperatures that we've come to expect in august. 60s around the coastline and jumping into the 90s later on, mostly 60s across the board. san jose, 63 degrees. 60 in san francisco, that's the view of the bay bridge toll plaza approach. over downtown san francisco, you have a blanket of low clouds out there for you new morning. and we will see low clouds being the story at least for the weather for this morning, but no summer showers. that system now has moved off to the east and we will see at least short term the monsoon moisture mainly from the sierra crest off to the east. so today, chance of sierra thundershowers, and we should see some late day clearing down the coast of northwest winds pick up. we'll see more sunshine, certainly out by santa cruz for the afternoon. high pressure next two days. allows the valley temperatures to climb up, then we're going to see changes early next week. the high will weaken a little bit and area of low pressure
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approaching the coast will bring up the sea breeze for the end of the weekend leading to cooling and possibly drop more monsoon moisture as the story of the summer continues away from southern california. the sierra, some could still back our way by monday. stay tuned were more showers possibly in that seven day forecast early next week. so today, near mid0u for san jose, close to 90 in saratoga. upper 60s to low 70s. north bay, highs near 85 in santa rosa aents in your opinions around the tri-valley. probably the hottest we'll see around the bay area for the afternoon. numbers climbing into the low 90s today. we should start the weekend the same way out in the tri-valley near 90 on saturday. then cooling into the upper 80s by sunday as the sea breeze turns stronger. we'll see clouds too coming up out of south by late sunday afternoon. morning commute, we see issues still around the east bay here. this is southbound 880 at 92. the incident was pushed to the side of the road, but the slowing continues as people probably stlu ax over to the side of the road there.
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and to the south, this is northbound 101 still approaching allen rock again that too was cleared quite some time ago with the emergency vehicle still on the right side of the road, but traffic slowing as you pass that incident there northbound at 101 approaching allen rock there. as we show youle 0 at powell. the traffic volume's beginning to pick up and earlier the bay bridge toll plaza, lights there and back-up extending through the low cloud cover at the bay bridge toll plaza approach. travel times around the bay area, tri-valley slowing down now. you're seeing the miles per hour from grantline road to 680 down to 30 miles per hour and 24 mile per hour speeds from that livermore commute down 84 to 680. mass transit, here's the good news, still in the green this morning. that is a great alternate to have on this thursday morning, back to you. >> thank you much. live tout new york city, check stocks, dow industrial up 49 points, its been a rough august. we did get good news about first time jobless claims. lowest in years.
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cnbc confirmed reports that are bank of america will pay up to $17 billion to set al justice department probe into sale of toxic mortgages before the financial crisis. now the deal's not final, it could still fall apart. reports say bank of america will pay nine billion in cash and the rest in assistance to struggling homeowners. the settlement reportedly comes after a phone call last week between b of a's ceo and u.s. attorney general eric holder. 6:37, barns and noble teaming up with google to take on amazon. the new york times reports starting today, book buyers in new york city, los angeles, and san francisco can get same day delivery to a google shopping express service. unlike amazon which relies on warehouses, google uses couriers to pick up and deliver orders to your door. delivery is free for shopping express members and five bucks for everyone else. >> fantastic. orange crush, giants get another win, but can they keep
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the streak alive? black and orange update coming up next. this time the city picked is fremont. look at old glory waive of waving in the -- waving in the wind. we'll check the forecast, rob's in for christina.
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let's talk giants baseball. taking a live look at mccovey cove this morning. good news for the giants and the fans, angel pagan will be back at the top of the line-up when the orange and black take the
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field in milwaukee in just a few hours. >> amy gutierrez has more, plus look back at one of the most memorable moments in giant's history. >> reporter: good morning everyone, san francisco giants set to wrap up a three game series in milwaukee today. before heading on to kansas city to finish the final trek of this ten-game road trip. after two games with the fresno grizzlies. angel pagan is finally back with the san francisco giants. now on june 14th, that's when pagan went down. the giants record was 43-26. and in games that pagan started, the giants were 36 and 21 and of course they were in first place in the nl west with a six and a half game lead. >> and that's it. and pagan hits one high. it's a game. it is out of here. >> reporter: and on this date in giant's history, it's a good one, august 7th, 2007, the one and only barry bond hit home run
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756. came off of washington nationals left-handed pitcher mike spacic and bonds passed hank aaron and became baseball's all-star home run king. i'm amy gutierrez for "today in the bay." >> thanks a lot, amy. coming up, bracing for impact. two hurricanes churning towards hawaii with a direct hit on the way within hours. we have live team coverage and 15 minutes of uninterrupted news, next.
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you're watching 15 minutes of continuous news, weather, and traffic on "today in the bay." at 6:44, happening now, a one-two punch as two hurricanes churn towards hawaii, but it's unclear if either storm will be a knockout. >> take a look at the radar. hurricane iselle hit ugh the
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island tonight. hurricane julio is not far behind. and within the past hour, julio strengthened into a category two storm. it'll be the first direct hurricane hit in hawaii in 22 years. and we have team coverage. "today in the bay's" bob redell live at sfo with impact, but let's start with meteorologist rob mayeda who's tracking the hurricanes from the weather center, good morning. >> good morning, we're watching the first of the two hurricanes, iselle which looks like it's going to make a district impact on the islands. specifically the big island through tonight we will see the storm begin to move in later on this evening as the winds right now are sustained at 85 marps. that's a miles per hour. that's a category one storm. just south of hilo on the windward side or the east side there eventually moving south of maui as the tropical storm still maintaining 60 mile per hour wind. that is going to have a major impact, especially from about
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this evening through about noon tomorrow. that is when the effects of the hurricane transitioning to a tropical storm will be felt there. now julio in truth is the stronger of the two storms at this hour, but the past year is very important -- path here is important as it weakens and travels north of the hawaiian islands. this is saturday evening, you can see as the tropical storms have been insistent upon this. it should help steer the storm we hope away from the islands, but iselle very likely to make a district impact dropping probably a foot of rain and some of the wetter locations there on the east side of the island along with some wind damage coming in as early as this evening, back to you. >> rob, thank you. we're going to bring him back for the local forecast in a few minutes. >> right now let's go to bob redell. he's live at sfo. hurricanes affected at least one flight here in the way area. >> reporter: just one so far, laura and scott, surprisingly most people trying to leave to get to hawaii are not going to have a problem. if you look at the board, it's this one flight, united night at
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9:05, that has been canceled. the other four are on time and we presume that some of the passengers are in the security line getting ready to board that flight. same with the two flights this morning. again, those on time as well. earlier we spoke with a mom and her children who were headed to visit family in the aloha state. you would think she would be upset about the hurricanes, surprisingly, not so much. >> my aunt lives there, she's giving us local updates like its been downgraded, upgraded, now we're stocking up on water. we're okay. >> reporter: are you afraid you might spend the entire time indoors? >> a little bit, but that's okay because we're just going to go and hang out, relax, read books. >> reporter: and we did actually speak with someone who just came through hawaii. they were flying from guam, had a layover inman lieu lieu and arrived here. they said there were long lines getting into custom, longer than
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usual, and that they got the sense that he from talking to people during the layover in the airport, there are a lot of people taking earlier flights than normal, trying to get out of town before the storms hit. reporting live here at sfo, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thank you, bob. it is 6:48, the woman behind this week's security breach at san jose international is on probation this morning after pleading no contest to a charge of trespassing. in court yesterday, marilyn hartman regrets what she did. >> it is by no means an adventure or anything because i could have gotten in much more trouble. >> on monday, hartman snuck past security, made it on to a southwest flight without a ticket. he would not say how she got on the flight because she says she doesn't want others to copy her. this isn't her first arrest. she tried to board planes without tickets several times before. well how did someone with a history of sneaking past security manage to do it again and why are officials trying to
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keep that so quiet? we now know the hartman's ability to sidestep the document screening process and board that plane without a ticket would have actually remained a secret if a well placed source didn't contact nbc bay area. nbc bay area chief investigator broke the story on tuesday. >> if our source didn't contact us, would this have remained a secret? >> we would probably, we would not have communicated it to the general public. >> is that fair to the public? i mean they're paying for this security system. doesn't the public have a right to know when it fails? >> in our opinion after the investigation, it did not fail to the point that there was a security threat. she was screened like every other passenger here. >> now it is unclear where hartman wasn't on some kind of security watch list despite successfully having got past security twice. we have continuing coverage of the story on our home page of our website,
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6:49, time to check the forecast as we take a live look outside from the south bay this morning. little brighter skies from downtown san jose. i want to check it now with meteorologist rob mayeda in for christina this week. >> cloud cover not as thick as you mentioned, laura. that's allowing more sun to come through in a few spots around the south bay this morning. very foggy around the coast and around san francisco we have the low clouds and some misty skies. low 60s outside right now for most of the bay area, except the north bay seeing upper 50s around napa and santa rosa this morning. speaking of the low clouds, thick at times, down the coast, highway one or maybe highway 17 coming up over the hill this morning. you will run into the low clouds. san francisco over towards oakland and yes into san jose too over towards gilroy. lots of low clouds for the morning and that'll be the weather story. low cloud cover kind of getting squished down of high pressure building aloft. enough moisture there in the sierra to trigger mountain thundershowers at times today.
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if your travel plans include yosemite, plan on thundershowers again today. so, high pressure strengthening, we'll take the low clouds we have outside in tends to squish them down closer to sea level. fog may be extra thick, but the valleys will see the temperatures climb up. that'll allow 90s for the next few days and by the end of the weekend, another area will track towards the coast which could draw monsoon moisture up out of the south which may bring us another chance of seeing scattered showers, maybe come monday. stay tuned, seven day forecast, cooler changes for the end of the seven day forecast which we'll get started on monday as more of those clouds will begin to spill back in from the south. 84 address today in san jose, low out around saratoga and morgan hills. upper 60s to low 70s around san francisco. mid-80s around sarnt rosa. tri-valley there climbing into the low 90s today. should probably stay about in that same temperature range as we get into the start of the weekend. and some getaway forecast plans for you, lake tahoe donling some thundershowers at times, 70s
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there around the russian river valley from friday into sunday. temperatures 90s dropping into the 80s. cooler as we go towards sunday and on to the central coast, looks nice except morning clouds and thick, fog with 70s there for your weekend plans. very nice to head out to the coast for the weekend. so now, checking your morning commute which we'll find again still here southbound 880 at 92. accident cleared to the side of the road, but the lingering side effects still continue with slowing and still slowing. this was about more than an hour ago that crash northbound 101 at allen rock. that was the car fire that was moved to the side of the road. emergency vehicles had cleared that off to the side. does look like that northbound traffic is finally beginning to recover there. the view of 80 at powell shows you that traffic vol yups are picking up, at least it's moving at speed and the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights are on. we'll see back ups there this morning. tri-valley travel times, you know how it is around livermore as you try to get from 580 down to 680.
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link up to 680 and 40 mile per hour speeds from grant line road over to 60. mass transit still in the green, bart and muni, good alternatives again this thursday morning, back to you. >> sound good, thanks rob. today we have updates on two high profile court cases. one niece south africa. the other here in the bay area. >> we will have live reports on both. let's begin with stephanie chuang. she's live outside the federal courthouse in san francisco. steph, a politician, a known gangster, and a school board president all caught up in a corruption scandal. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, good morning laura and scott. leland ye and mob moss raymond shrimp boy chow the two headliners here. there are 27 defendants in the case. this morning's hear willing give a chance to make sure serving in order for this case that has garnered a lot of public and media attention involving leland ye. the status conference hearing will allow the zwrouj set standard housekeeping, pretrial
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items, setting tentative trial dates. he is accused of offering political favors in exchange for money. cash say that prosecutors say he wanted to pay off bid for his failed attempt at mayor and campaign. he was in court last week when he was slapped with a new charge of racketeering, pleading not guilty to racketeering, corruption, and fraud charges. both chow and former san francisco school board president keith jackson also formerly charged last week. they're accused of everything from a murder for hire plot to shipment of stolen goods. you can see a varying degree of crimes here. may encourage the defendants with smaller items to settle before a trial starts at this hearing starts at 10:00 this morning. of course we will be will there. live in san francisco, stephanie chuang, "today in the bay." >> thanks steph. now derek shore, he's in the news room with a look at the closing arguments in the oscar pistorius trial. >> reporter: well the olympian runner could learn his fate very soon with the judge set to make
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a decision on his guilt or innocence. pistorius faces 25 years to life in prison if convicted in the murder of his girlfriend model reeva steenkamp. both sides are set to summarize their versions of the valentine's day last year. and the shooting that took steenkamp's life. prosecutors say pistorius intentionally shot here. the defense says the double amputee sprinter took his girlfriend for an intruder. the defense is contradicting itself, giving two defenses. here's prosecutors mocking them. >> court will find we did not have criminal compassion. at that critical moment when we shot we weren't in control of ourselves. that's one defense. then if the court find that we were, then we deliberately and with intention fired a shot that killed someone. >> reporter: pistorius family has a lot on their plate. carl pistorius is recovering
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from a serious car crash that happened last week. meanwhile prosecutors have called oscar an appalling witness who lied multiple times on the stand. closing arguments just wrapped up for today. they will continue tomorrow. live in the newsroom, derek shore, "today in the bay." >> thank you, derek. two fuel tanks have been removed from that beached boat on the san francisco shoreline. the coast guard says it will take another two days just to get that the ship out of the water at ocean beach. in the men time, authorities are looking for the skipper, timothy, he's wanted on a drug warrant if santa clara county. he reportedly called someone tuesday to say he had made it to shore. the coast guard spent several hours looking for him in the water on monday. yet another round of mosquito fogging planned for the south bay tonight. it'll be the 129 one this year. this is a look at the area that's going to be sprayed. it's in the stiff santa clara and includes parts of lawrence expressway. fogging set to start at 11:00
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tonight. it's going to last several hours. santa clara county vector control says mosquitos testing positive for the west nile virus were found in the area last month. vector control has also got a round of fogging planned for saratoga tuesday night. in the men time, 6:57, top stories. three-day cease-fire will expire tonight in the middle east. so far there's no agreement between israel and hamas. hamas spokesman says if israel is making an effort to reach a truce, hamas will not fire any rockets once the cease-fire expires. it appears confessed nsa leaker edward snoed listen stay in russia for the next several years. overnight, russia granted snowden three more years of alie lum. snowden said he misses america and wants to come home, but he does not think he'd receive a fair trial. right now hawaii is bracing for a pair of strong storms. hurricane iselle expected to hit the big island tonight with hurricane julio not far behind.
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so far, one flight from sfo to hon lieu slew canceled. sjc looks wide open. despite the stormy weather, nothing can keep love apart. christina loren's wedding went off without a hitch. this picture she tweeted out from maui. beautiful bride, beautiful couple. we wish them all the best as they honker down now from the storm. >> beautiful chis strt wedding. vob in for christina this week. >> she planned it well before the storm. right now we're watching hurricane iselle which will make land fall later tonight traveling south of maui as a tropical storm over the next 24 hours. that impact likely will be felt for at least the next day or so across the hawaiian island. temperatures around the bay area today, valleys 80, and the forecast for warm things up a little bit as we get into the start of the weekend, then cooler as we head towards sunday and monday. and watching your morning commute for you as well.
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issue here near san francisco, this is northbound 101 at 80. we have a lane blocked there. that is going to really back up at this hour. and another spot for you we're watching over towards the east bay. this is a crash on southbound 880 at stevenson. you see the back up in orange stacking up. that too causing some issues for you this morning. we're watching both weather and traffic with more jupts as the today show continues right after this broadcast. aez we leave you this morning, at 10:00 this morning, sharks season ticketholders will be able to get their hands on tickets for the bay area's first outdoor nhl game. the sharks will host rivals and stanley cup champs the l.a. kings at levi stadium on february 21st. tickets for the general public go on sale this fall. >> i just can't wait to see the transformation. >> won't that be cool. >> it'll be very cool. >> hopefully. >> hey, that's what's happening "today in the bay." we're going to be back at 5u7 25 with a live -- 7:25 for a live
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local news update. >> join us at 11:00, we'll have the ratest on the hurricane and the weather of the day. have a great day. good morning. hawaiian one-two punch. the first of two hurricanes set to hit the islands tonight. with the second close behind. residents stocking up for what could be hawaii's first direct hit in more than two decades, we're there live. highest alert the cdc ratchets up it's response to the ebola outbreak has world health officials worry the deadly virus is on its way to more countries. >> the last word, closing arguments under way this morning in the oscar pistorius murder trial. prosecutors on the offensive


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